  • 1 Head of Lettuce
  • ½ cup Blue Cheese
  • ½ cup Sour Cream
  • ¼ cup Mayonnaise
  • 20 Fresh Chives sliced very thinly
  • 1 Dried Onion
  • Red Wine Vinegar
  • Olive Oil
  • 20 Cherry Tomatoes
  • Mix the blue cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, ½ of the sliced chives, the dried onion, 2 tsp of the vinegar, 4 tbl of the oil, and a healthy pinch of salt, until blended (it’s fine to have some chunks of blue cheese, in fact it’s preferred).
  • Pull apart the iceberg into small wedges, about the size of a small taco shell. Slice the cherry tomatoes in half.
  • Pour about ¼ cup of the dressing over each wedge; place about 5 tomato halves on each wedge; and sprinkle with the remaining chives.
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