  • 2 lbs high quality elbow macaroni or other small size pasta (orecchiette works well)
  • 2 cans evaporated milk
  • 3 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 cup aged (i.e., hard) goat or sheep’s cheese, shredded
  • dijon mustard
  • 2 eggs
  • Warm the evaporated milk in a very large saucepan (e.g., a dutch oven) over medium heat. Add the cheeses, and whisk somewhat aggressively and continuously until the cheeses are melted. Season to taste with salt - it should taste slightly over salted.
  • Boil the pasta until al dente or slightly undercooked, drain really well, and add to the cheese mixture, along with a healthy squirt or spoonful of dijon. Stir all of this together over low heat until really well combined and not too soupy. Take this off the heat and mix in the 2 eggs - make sure this is done off the heat and after the pasta has cooled just a little, otherwise the eggs will curdle. It helps to beat the eggs on their own, as if you’re making an omelet, before adding. This reduces the risk of curdling. The mixture should be nice and creamy. If it’s a little soupy still, you can put it back on low heat and stir gently until sufficiently thickened (this will happen rather abruptly, because of the eggs).
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