  • 2 lbs lamb: leg, sirloin, or chop
  • 2 sweet onions
  • 2 sweet bell peppers
  • ground cumin
  • thyme (fresh is preferred, but dried is fine)
  • sumac
  • garlic powder
  • olive oil
  • Cut the lamb into large cubes, about 1.5”. Cut the onion into squares, about the same size (lengthwise) as the lamb; and same for the pepper. Pick the thyme if it’s fresh. Throw the lamb, the onions, and the peppers into a large bowl; season aggressively with salt, a large handful of cumin, and a smaller handful of sumac and garlic powder. Add the thyme also. With a healthy glug of olive oil, toss all the ingredients aggressively until uniformly seasoned and shimmering with oil (hands are best at this).
  • Grill or broil all the “shish-kebab” ingredients, together, at once. It’s best if the lamb is medium-rare, or medium at most.
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