  • 1.5 lbs Yukon or other white skinned potato
  • 1 Link Chorizo Sausage (preferably dried though wet would work)
  • ½ Onion chopped finely
  • Oven safe skillet
  • Preheat the oven to 425 F. Slice the potatoes into very thin coins, and store in cold water.
  • Render the chorizo over low heat for a good 15 minutes until all of the flavorful spicy fat is rendered out. Discard the chorizo pieces, but keep the fat in the pan. Add the onion and brown. Add the potato slices and toss them all around in the fat with the onion. Then try to press the potato down into a somewhat evenly layered pile, across the pan.
  • Put the pan in the oven and roast for a good 30 minutes. Scoop the potatoes out of the pan and serve.
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