  • 4 racks St. Louis or Baby Back Ribs
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder
  • paprika (smoked, preferably)
  • brown sugar
  • high quality bbq sauce (or you can make your own)
  • Dry the ribs off with paper towel, until they’re super dry. Put the racks on a large piece of parchment paper, or large sheet pans, or any kind of vessel to catch all the seasonings. Throw a small handful of salt at each rack of ribs; right on top is fine (we’re going to go back and rub all the seasonings in). Throw a healthy pinch (e.g., like the amount you can hold in 3 fingers) of the onion powder, and about half as much in garlic powder. About a tablespoon of brown sugar works, for each rack.
  • As promised, go back and rub all the seasonings in, aggressively, until it’s hard to distinguish any of the individual seasonings on the meat (they should be totally rubbed in). Massage them in if you need to.
  • Ribs do best on a grill, at first, and then finished in the oven. Either way, if grilling or broiling, do it over (or under) low heat. The idea here is brown the meat and the seasonings slowly, for flavor. After about 20 minutes on each side, remove the ribs and wrap them in aluminum foil, tightly, with no holes.
  • Finish the wrapped ribs in an oven, at about 350℉, for about 2 hours, but no longer than 4. Let them rest for a good 30 minutes once removed. Unwrap them, cut along the bone into single or double rib chops, and throw all the ribs (or a fraction of the ribs, depending on the size of your bowl) into a large bowl. Heat up the bbq sauce, and toss the cut ribs with the bbq sauce, until smothered all over. Perfection!
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